Find the Correct Computer File Rapidly

In an earlier Advanced Organizing Systems, Inc. newsletter, I gave a naming convention for computer files. This naming convention is especially helpful with files that undergo multiple revisions.  Using the latest revision is often quite important, and a good naming system will eliminate the second guessing…”Is this the correct file”.

1)  Create Master Folders (exp):  MyDrawingProjects
2)  Create Sub-Folders in the Master Folder by Project Name OR by Date/Name:
By name (exp):   John Doe Residence
(Project Folders will display alphabetically by Project)
By date/name (exp): 2014-001-John_Doe_Residence
Format: (YYYY_Project#_ProjectName)
(Project Folders will display in chronological order by year)

3) In Sub Folders, Save individual Files (exp): 20140628_Floor_Plan_John_Doe_Residence
Format (YYYYMMDD-Descriptive FileName)
(Files are in chronological order with latest version by date and can be displayed ascending or descending)
Example File Structure:
1) Master Folder    >MyDrawingProjects
2) SubFolder                     >John Doe Residence         —OR—  
2) SubFolder                     >2014-001-John_Doe_Residence
3) File                                          >20140628_Floor_Plan_John_Doe_Residence
3) File                                          >20140703_Floor_Plan_John_Doe_Residence
————————————————————————————————————————-   Computer-Frustration-Cartoon-2-300x212

Careful planning will eliminate the frustration of searching for files and working in the wrong file.  There is an excellent article by that outlines 7 Steps and discusses the importance of organizing and maintaining computer files.

When you get to Step 6, the naming system above is mentioned, although my feelings get hurt a little bit because the text reads, “The ultra-geek can use a file naming convention that adds the date of creation to the file name. . .”  Oh well, if you have many files, the system really does work well.

John A. Torrano
Advanced Organizing Systems, Inc., CEO

Products by Advanced Organizing Systems, Inc. provide various solutions for roll file storage, vertical flat file storage, roll document mailing, and drawing protection.  All AOS Inc. products meet exacting criteria for function, durability, and aesthetics.

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